The communication between the client computer and the server computer can be established by setting the Environmental Variable “SSTLM” on the client computers.

For sharing the license information, client computer needs to communicate with the server (computer where the SST License Manger is installed). SST License Manager is a free-to-use app that allows you to share license. NET applications, ASP.NET, VB6, C, Delphi, Java, MS-Access, MS-Excel, Outlook add-ins, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows 8 Store and much more. QLM creates trial keys, machine bound keys and online activation keys. Quick License Manager (QLM) is an easy-to-use license manager that creates professional and secure license keys to protect your application against piracy.

The industry's most flexible, end user friendly license management solution.Sentinel RMS is a robust license enablement and enforcement solution providing software and technology vendors with control and visibility into how their applications are deployed and used.