Minority carrierspn-junctionProperties of pn-junctionApplyingĭ.C.voltage acrosspn junctionVolt-ampere characteristics of N-type and p-type semiconductors Majority and Semiconductorn-typesemiconductorp-type semiconductorCharge on SemiconductorsHole currentIntrinsicsemiconductorExtrinsic

SemiconductorsCrystalsCommonly used semiconductors Energyīanddescription of semiconductorsEffect of tempe-rature on PhysicsSemiconductor PhysicsSemiconductor PhysicsSemiconductor

StructureAtomic StructureAtomic Structure 48544854485448544854īohrs atomic modelEnergy levelsEnergy bandslmportant energyīands in solids Classification ofsolids and energy bandsĥ. TubesConduction in a gasCold-cath-ode gas diodeCharacteristics ofĬold-cathodediodeApplications of glow tubesHot-cathodegasĤ. Gas-Filled TGas-Filled TGas-Filled TGas-Filled Thermionic emittersCathode constructionField emissionSecondaryģ. Electron EmissionElectron EmissionElectronĮmissionElectron EmissionElectron EmissionĢ8372837283728372837Electron emissionTypes of electronĮmissionTher-mionic emissionThermionic emitterCommonlyused TransfertheoremThevenins theoremProcedure forfinding theveninĮquivalent circuitNorton'stheoremProcedure for finding nortonĬ O N T E N T SC O N T E N T SC O N T E N T SC O N T E N T SC OĢ. SourceConversion of voltage source intocurrent sourceMaximum power IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionĮlectronicsAtomic structureStructure ofelementsTheĮlectronEnergy of an electronValence electronsFreeĮlectronsVoltagesourceConstant voltage sourceConstantcurrent Gas-Filled T Gas-Filled T Gas-Filled T Gas-Filled T Gas-Filled Tubes ubes ubes ubes ubes 38-47 38-47 38-47 38-47 38-47 Gas-filled tubes–Conduction in a gas–Cold-cath- ode gas diode–Characteristics of cold-cathode diode–Applications of glow tubes–Hot-cathode gas diode–Thyratron–Applications of Thyratron. Electron Emission Electron Emission Electron Emission Electron Emission Electron Emission 28-37 28-37 28-37 28-37 28-37 Electron emission–Types of electron emission–Ther- mionic emission–Thermionic emitter–Commonly used thermionic emitters–Cathode construction– Field emission–Secondary emission–Photo electric emission. CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS 2. Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction 1-27 1-27 1-27 1-27 1-27 Electronics–Atomic structure–Structure of elements–The electron–Energy of an electron– Valence electrons–Free electrons–Voltage source–Constant voltage source–Constant current source–Conversion of voltage source into current source–Maximum power transfer theorem–Thevenin’s theorem–Procedure for finding thevenin equivalent circuit–Norton's theorem–Procedure for finding norton equivalent circuit– Chassis and ground.